We offer free legal Advice and depending on the level of work involved, we have Solicitors who can assist pro bono in the following areas of law:
- Welfare benefit entitlements
- Tenancy rights
- Employment
- Housing
- Immigration
- Criminal
As a non-profit organisation we rely on your support to continue to make a real difference in people's lives.
You can help us make a change in the lives of many more people through your donation and support.
Thank you in advance for your kind generosity.
We offer free legal Advice and depending on the level of work involved, we have Solicitors who may be able to assist pro bono.
We offer form filling assistance to vulnerable people, the elderly and those who are unable to read and write.
We can enhance your chances of securing employment in the Public Sector Housing section and also with Advice agencies.
The New Start Empowerment Workshop is targeted at motivating and influencing an individual to change his or her mindset from negative to positive.